Monday, January 1, 2018

Leadership |¦ Five C theory about leadership

Leadership is nothing that can be taught ! 
It comes from within and inspire you to do better for others !

Disclaimer: This blog is my personal opinion and the theories that i am posting are purely based on my personal experience and thought process. Reader should exercise it's own discretion whether to follow or not the suggested theory. 

Doesn't it feel good when someone walk by you and say that "I admire you", "I follow you" or "I appreciate your thoughts".. I feel damn good and this is what makes you a leader - you are leading other by creating your followership while giving them food for thought. People would start looking you as a problem solver.. you might not have a 100% perfect solution for everything. 

Based on my personal experience I believe in the Five C theory ... one should focus in improving these aspects and you would be a better leader than you were tomorrow.

Management is a position that is Granted... Leadership is a Status that is earned - K. Scott Derrick

Convey : First and foremost thing is to convey whatever you feel about the situation, be it good or bad. However, while conveying a bad review or feedback you need to be vigilant enough that you don't hurt sentiment of others. Convey is not complete when you have said all that you have in your mind but it completes when the individual understand what you said. 

While conveying what you want make sure that you are leaving the biasedness aside (I will cover biasedness in my other blog soon and will update the link here). It is true that you can't be 100% free from biasedness but try to minimize. 

Convince : Next step is to convince them with the thoughts that you have. It is an essential aspect of the leadership but it is not mandatory. This is a lenient step because if you will try to convince the subject than it is high likelihood of an aggressive argument. Arguments can never make you a leader. Most importantly, to convince others you should be convinced yourself first. There is less chances of others being convinced if you are not confident and convinced on your thoughts. 

Communicate : This is the most important aspect of the 5 C theory that I have. Often people construe communication as saying what you want to say but it is certainly not communication. Communication is a regular phenomenon that is not an event based. Let me ask a question - whom you are easy with? Family, friends, mentor or anyone else. This shows that we are more prone to appreciate and approach people who communicate on a regular basis.

Care : This point is something very personal to me because I believe deep into caring for others. Unless you care for others you can't convey anything to them, you can't convince them and you can't communicate anything to them. You need to be caring enough to understand how they are feeling, what is the reason behind their problem or what they are actually looking from you. At times, it is important to be in the shoes of that other individual and spend some time there to understand what you would like others to care about. Feel for them but I would like to clarify that there should not by sympathy but empathy with others.

Comfort : Make others comfortable with you, your thoughts and the solutions that you provide. If people are comfortable with you they will look upto you for solutions. People who can make others comfortable can win battles against any odds.

Hope you read through my thoughts and somewhat resonate with them.. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions that you might have for improving the content on this blog!!

Cheers !! :)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

First Blog | ¦ new beginning on an unknown road

It is past mid night for the last night of 2017, and a new year is waiting outside the door. I'm sitting in my living room thinking about random things be it my next career move, my next travel destination, next gift for my lill champ (2 year old son)... and many more random stuff.
Brain is an amazing creation of almighty that can take you the destinations where you might not want to go anytime, make you think about things that should matter to you or that shouldn't... I am experiencing similar sea waves in my mind right now..
Suddenly, i thought of creating this blog and see how i can convey, convince and inspire others through my journey of life...
I won't stick to one single stuff rather will take you through the variety of experiences that I will go through in my life from now !
Are you ready for it!!
Cheers!! 

Leadership |¦ Five C theory about leadership

Leadership is nothing that can be taught !  It comes from within and inspire you to do better for others ! Disclaimer: This blog is ...